Where Can I Get Help?
Updated over a week ago

Here's how you can reach our team:

  1. Locate the chat in the corner of your screen:

  2. Select the answer that fits best.

  3. We'll ask a few questions to better understand how we can help. Make sure to answer each field.

  4. Based on your responses, we'll connect you with the right team who will respond to you via email.

What to Expect:

Our team will get back to you via email as soon as they can. We’re dedicated to making your experience as seamless as possible and look forward to getting you back on track!

For Network Hosts on a 14-Day Free Trial or on the Community Plan and above, simply log in to your Mighty Networks account and click the 'Need Help?' button in the bottom right corner to initiate a direct chat with our Customer Advocacy team.

For additional information, check out our Help Center. Tip: Try keywords searches to find answers.

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